What’s it like to win in front of such a big home crowd?

It’s always such a special feeling to win here at Aachen. When the home crowd gets behind you, you can really feel them, and the atmosphere is incredible. You always want to perform well, you always want to jump clear but when 40,000 people are behind you and cheering you on, it creates the most incredible atmosphere and it does influence your riding.

Is Killer Queen VDM a star for the future?

Absolutely, I really think this horse can compete at the highest level. I said last year, that I thought she was a horse with lots of potential and I am really happy with her performance today.

The water jump seemed to cause a few problems today, what were your thoughts on it?

It is very difficult to explain; it is the same water jump we jumped yesterday but in the other direction. Even my horse who is normally very good over the water, jumped it much higher today than she usually would. It is hard to say, perhaps because of the grass as maybe we spend more time in sand arenas. The water jump itself was not too big or hard but for some reason the horses jumped it worse today than yesterday. Also, I saw a few horses jump it badly, which then gave me some mixed feelings on how I should jump it, and maybe meant we didn’t ride with the same confidence and enthusiasm we would normally.

You have qualified for the Rolex Grand Prix on three horses, which one will you ride on Sunday?

I will be riding Tobago Z on Sunday.

Photo by Rolex Grand Slam / Ashley Neuhof)