Riders who are too heavy for their horses, could be asked to dismount at the Horse of The Year Show. It is a vet who will decide wether the rider has an unsuitable weight for his horse or not. Competitors qualified for the HOYS (5-9 October) have already been informed that their suitability will be assessed at the show. The spokesman of the organization committee states that "The welfare of the horse is the most important thing. The weight of the rider surely has an influence on the horse he's riding. Therefore we will make sure that a rider is suitable for the horse he is riding. Too heavy or too tall riders could be asked to dismount". This new measure includes horses and ponies being warmed up or exercised anywhere at the show. The spokesman added that the show "has every right to take further actions against anyone who permits any rider who's too heavy or too tall to ride his horses". The welfare issue will be determined by a vet, but besides a vet stewards and officials have to power to ask a rider to dismount as well. The decision of the vet is decisive.