Last weekend the 70-year-old show jumper Hugo Simon broke al records by winning the Grand Prix of the international competition in Linz. On the back of his nine year old jumping talent CT (s. Casall) the Austrian rider is now the oldest winner of an (equestrian) GP. But Hugo did not only win the Grand Prix. He also wrote two other classes on his name. On Thursday he jumped a nice 1m40-course good for a victory. On Saturday he won again in the Gold Tour. To his own saying the rider is Fit enough to compete with the top riders and for now is not thinking about retiring.
In the Grand Prix Simon was followed by the Polish rider Marek Lewicki and the 8-year-old AbigeJ (s. Lupicor). Lewicki finished his over one second slower as Hugo Simon in a time of 41:82 seconds. The stage was completed by Marcel Marschall (Va Petit d'Hoogpoort). Only the top two crossed the finishline faultless. The victory was good for a cheque of over 5.000 euros.
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