Week after week, the junior riders at Summer in the Rockies are consistent as ever. Many of this week’s competitors are winner’s circle veterans both at the Colorado Horse Park as well as on the national scene. Riding away as division champion of the Small Junior Hunters was Hunter Holloway and Lyons Creek Bellini. Emily Sutherland and Phineas took the Large Junior Hunter 15 and Under champion tricolor, while Annabelle Regan and Wagner finished on top in the Large Junior Hunter 16-17. Rounding out the junior action was Emma Farber and Triumph, champions in the 3’3” Junior Hunters. Hunter Holloway and Lyons Creek Bellini are a force to be reckoned with. Holloway and the Hays Investment Corp’s entry of Tokepa, KS took home top ribbons at the Devon Horse Show and Country Fair, and this week, they were near unstoppable in the Small Junior Hunters. They received two firsts, a second, and a fourth over fences, along with a first in the under saddle, good for the championship honors. Holloway and Lyons Creek Bellini also bested a field of 18 horses and riders to win the $2,500 Junior Hunter Classic. Finishing in reserve in the Small Junior Hunters was Eugenie Kilb of Malibu, CA and her own Autumn Lane. “He was fabulous,” said Holloway. “He is a really great horse, he is very consistent and just an amazing horse, I am lucky to have the ride on him. He comes out of the stall everyday wanting to win so he is very consistent and loves his job. He is very simple, anyone could ride him, he is super easy.” Holloway continued, “I think in the hunters, it is about having a brilliance about you. He has this presence when he walks in the ring, he carries himself like ‘Here I am, look at me!’ so that plays a big part with him. He is a very eye-catching horse. He is a beautiful horse to watch canter around the ring. So that is part of his consistency and why he does so well all the time so I kind of just sit there and let him do his thing. He will just take it easy until indoors this year.” In the Large Junior Hunter 15 and Under division, Emily Sutherland piloted Phineas to a tricolor finish. Phineas is owned by Lisa Sutherland of Wichita, KS. On the first day of competition, they received two red ribbons over fences and a third in the hack. On the second day, they bested their prior performances, riding away with two blues over fences. Phineas and Sutherland also finished third in the $2,500 Junior Hunter Classic. Right behind her in reserve was Abbygale Funk and Neander, a West Coast Equine Partners, LLC entry of San Marino, CA. While Funk and Sutherland both had the same number of points, Funk had less over fences. “Phineas was just really good, he had a nice pace everywhere, the lines were nice, and I just saw every distance well,” said Sutherland. “I’ve had him for two years and I started out doing the Children’s Hunters with him when I first started doing hunter/jumper shows. He took me all the way from there to the Junior Hunters. He is awesome, he is a great horse and he packs me around the hunters. He is really easy, you don’t have to do that much, just lead him to the jumps.” Annabelle Regan of Austin, TX and her own Wagner had their share of success this week in the Large Junior Hunter 16-17 division, cinching the championship with their clean sweep over fences and second in the under saddle. They also finished in fourth in the very competitive $2,500 Junior Hunter Classic. Riding to reserve honors was Katey Kozeny and Balubet K, a Roderick Kyle Dewar entry. “My rounds were really smooth and everything was the same, it was all very even,” said Regan. “There were no drastic changes, which is what I like to do. I think he and I flow together, we are in sync all the time. He takes a slow, calm, trusting ride. He is 11-years-old, he is a Dutch Warmblood. His nickname is Waggy and he is my little baby, I love him. I train with Kelly Lorek and we will be competing here next week.” The Junior 3’3” Hunters were troopers this weekend, having their division moved back two days due to afternoon thundershowers. Fortunately for them, today presented sunny skies and not a raindrop in sight. Riding into the winner’s circle today was Emma Farber of Encino, CA and her own Triumph, a pair that impressed the judges and jogged away with two blues over fences and a first under saddle.  Taking reserve was Lauren Takata and Dolce, a Stonebridge Farm entry out of Cave Creek, AZ. “My horse is a seven year old Warmblood, his name is Chipmunk,” said Farber. “He is the sweetest horse and got him in January of this year. He is just so willing to do anything I ask him and he is just a very smart horse. I think today went very well, he was a really good boy. He listened and he is a phenomenal horse. I think the consistency just throughout the course made us stand out, his easy pace and smoothness throughout the course was very nice. If you keep him between your legs and hands he is straight perfect. To start out I was a little nervous about the footing but he is very balanced and I wasn’t worried at all once I got in there.” The Amateur Owner Hunters were also presented with champion and reserve honors this afternoon. In the Amateur Owner 3’6” Hunter division, it was All In and Nicole Lyvere of Lakewood, CO who received the champion tricolor. Lyvere also clamed reserve honors on her other horse Wink. In the Amateur Owner 3’3” 18-35 Hunters, it was once again Lyvere, this time with Promo, who took champion. Ever So Clever and Shannon Gossman of Castle Rock, CO finished in reserve. In the Amateur Owner 3’3” 36 and Over Hunters, it was Argonaut and Elizabeth Hund of Denver, CO who were awarded the championship honors. D’Amour and Hillary Jean of Castle Rock, CO rode to a reserve ribbon. Today marks the conclusion of Summer in the Rockies V at the Colorado Horse Park. Hunter action will return to the Olson Family Main Hunter Ring for one last week on Wednesday, starting with the Professional Hunter divisions. Results: Summer in the Rockies V – Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13 217. Small Junior 3'6 award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/588/Autumn Lane/Eugenie Kilb/Eugenie Kilb/80.00 2/819/Lyons Creek Bellini/Hays Investment Corp./Hunter Holloway/55.00 3/864/Verbatim/Serenity Farm/Kelli Cruciotti/40.00 4/177/Toska/Courtnay Edwards/Courtnay Edwards/30.00 5/709/Ultra/True Kershenbaum/True Kershenbaum/15.00 6/629/Granit/Olivia Lawton/Olivia Lawton/5.00 7/851/Spero/Tali Dejong/Tali Dejong/0.00 218. Small Junior 3'6 award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/819/Lyons Creek Bellini/Hays Investment Corp./Hunter Holloway/80.00 2/588/Autumn Lane/Eugenie Kilb/Eugenie Kilb/55.00 3/864/Verbatim/Serenity Farm/Kelli Cruciotti/40.00 4/177/Toska/Courtnay Edwards/Courtnay Edwards/30.00 5/629/Granit/Olivia Lawton/Olivia Lawton/15.00 6/709/Ultra/True Kershenbaum/True Kershenbaum/5.00 7/851/Spero/Tali Dejong/Tali Dejong/0.00 227. Lg Junior 15 & Under O/F award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/826/Phineas/Lisa Sutherland/Emily Sutherland/80.00 2/746/Neander/West Coast Equine Partners, LLC/Abbygale Funk/55.00 3/325/Levitation/Marnina Seller/Marnina Seller/40.00 4/577/Impression/Paige Junker/Paige Junker/30.00 5/553/Calandra/Megan Kerpsack/Megan Kerpsack/15.00 6/341/Even So/Amanda Roche/Amanda Roche/5.00 7/162/Brunello/Megan Engel/Megan Engel/0.00 228. Lg Junior 15 & Under O/F award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/826/Phineas/Lisa Sutherland/Emily Sutherland/80.00 2/553/Calandra/Megan Kerpsack/Megan Kerpsack/55.00 3/746/Neander/West Coast Equine Partners, LLC/Abbygale Funk/40.00 4/162/Brunello/Megan Engel/Megan Engel/30.00 5/577/Impression/Paige Junker/Paige Junker/15.00 6/341/Even So/Amanda Roche/Amanda Roche/5.00 7/325/Levitation Marnina Seller/Marnina Seller/0.00 232. Large Junior 16-17 O/F award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/346/Wagner/Annabelle Regan/Annabelle Regan/80.00 2/537/Wingman/Jill Vannatta/Caitlin Boyle/55.00 3/684/Baloubet K/Roderick Kyle Dewar/Katey Kozeny/40.00 4/788/Gretzky/Olivia Lawton/Olivia Lawton/30.00 5/519/CR Moet/Kira Telford/Kira Telford/15.00 6/703/Frank The Tank/McKenzie Booker/McKenzie Booker/5.00 233. Large Junior 16-17 O/F award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/346/Wagner/Annabelle Regan/Annabelle Regan/80.00 2/788/Gretzky/Olivia Lawton/Olivia Lawton/55.00 3/537/Wingman/Jill Vannatta/Caitlin Boyle/40.00 4/684/Baloubet K/Roderick Kyle Dewar/Katey Kozeny/30.00 5/519/CR Moet/Kira Telford/Kira Telford/15.00 6/517/Calistoga Gold/Kira Telford/Kira Telford/5.00 7/703/Frank The Tank/McKenzie Booker/McKenzie Booker/0.00 2760. Junior 3'3" Hunter Handy award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/589/Triumph/Emma Farber/Emma Farber/100.00 2/914/Brego/Hailey Livingston/Hailey Livingston/75.00 3/538/Alessio/Samantha Wolf/Samantha Wolf/50.00 4/193/Casanova/Sarah Roach/Lauren Boswell/40.00 5/776/Patita A./Emma Tellor/Emma Tellor/20.00 6/463/Rock Star/Rylee Shufelt/Rylee Shufelt/15.00 7/809/Splendid/Isabella Littlejohn/Isabella Littlejohn/0.00 8/877/Disclosure/Kramig LLC/Samantha Kramig/0.00 9/795/Cascaluna/Lone Star Stables/Courtney May/0.00 10/494/Dolce/Stonebridge Farm/Lauren Takata/0.00 2770. Junior 3'3" Hunter O/F award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/589/Triumph/Emma Farber/Emma Farber/100.00 2/494/Dolce/Stonebridge Farm/Lauren Takata/75.00 3/877/Disclosure/Kramig LLC/Samantha Kramig/50.00 4/809/Splendid/Isabella Littlejohn/Isabella Littlejohn/40.00 5/748/Thunderstruck/Janelle Henningsen/Janelle Henningsen/20.00 6/463/Rock Star/Rylee Shufelt/Rylee Shufelt/15.00 7/872/Bonaire/Serenity Farm/Samantha Kramig/0.00 8/538/Alessio/Samantha Wolf/Samantha Wolf/0.00 9/776/Patita A./Emma Tellor/Emma Tellor/0.00 2780. Junior 3'3" Hunter O/F award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/494/Dolce/Stonebridge Farm/Lauren Takata/100.00 2/877/Disclosure/Kramig LLC/Samantha Kramig/75.00 3/914/Brego/Hailey Livingston/Hailey Livingston/50.00 4/809/Splendid/Isabella Littlejohn/Isabella Littlejohn/40.00 5/748/Thunderstruck/Janelle Henningsen/Janelle Henningsen/20.00 6/193/Casanova/Sarah Roach/Lauren Boswell/15.00 7/589/Triumph/Emma Farber/Emma Farber/0.00 8/463/Rock Star/Rylee Shufelt/Rylee Shufelt/0.00 9/795/Cascaluna/Lone Star Stables/Courtney May/0.00 2790. Junior 3'3" Hunter U/S award/entry/horse/owner/rider/prize 1/589/Triumph/Emma Farber/Emma Farber/80.00 2/914/Brego/Hailey Livingston/Hailey Livingston/55.00 3/463/Rock Star/Rylee Shufelt/Rylee Shufelt/40.00 4/877/Disclosure/Kramig LLC/Samantha Kramig/30.00 5/809/Splendid/Isabella Littlejohn/Isabella Littlejohn/15.00 6/494/Dolce/Stonebridge Farm/Lauren Takata/5.00 7/859/Benedicto/Jamie Morris/Jamie Morris/0.00 8/776/Patita A./Emma Tellor/Emma Tellor/0.00