Alexandra Cain, 17, from Olney, MD, and Camille owned by Louna Primm, were judged the best in the North American League (NAL) Children's Hunter Final held at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show presented by the Lindsay Maxwell Charitable Fund. Their two round score of 161.50 gave them the top award and the coveted Laura Palmer Pickett Memorial Perpetual Trophy for 2016.

From a starting field of 30 horses and their young riders, 12 were invited back to the ring for a second round. Scores from both rounds would be added together to decide the winner. Cain's first round score of 78 placed her in fourth position in the rankings. Her second round score, an 83.50, on its own merit would have only paced her fourth, but her consistency along with her competition's little bobbles gave her the win.
"In the first round I felt really confident," said Cain. "Then everyone was doing so well I got a little uneasy. I knew I had to pull it together and not be nervous for the second round. It was all quieting my nerves, because with her if I get nervous she gets really tense. So it really helps her if I am in my calm place.
I started riding her last November and got the opportunity to show her for the season and it was like the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. It was my first show season really seriously competing so to even make it this far is a big accomplishment for me. So my goal was just to make it to indoors and have fun. This just really adds to it.
Her owner told me that I can ride her again next year. So I am really excited about that. We still have to make a plan about what we will compete in, but with the same goal in mind. That is my life, Camille and school. I love her so much." Second place in the Final went to Cordelanne and Hope Rutter who scored a total of 161.25, a mere .25 behind Cain, and Kayla Wolfe and Weekend Affair took third on a score of 160.75.
Amateur rider Samantha Ruttura, from Lloyd Harbor, NY, and her 8-year-old horse Quinn, won the coveted North American League (NAL) Adult Hunter Final at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show, presented by the Lindsay Maxwell Charitable Fund. Their two round score of 167.0 garnered them the blue ribbon and the coveted Lisa A. H. Cudahy Perpetual Trophy.
Only four riders out of a starting field of 30 managed to score in the 80's. Ruttura and Quinn scored an 86.0, the second best of the first round. In the second round Quinn posted an 81.0 to take the win.
"It was really exciting," said Ruttura. "It's my first time here. He is a pretty new horse for me, we only got him in April. He has been just a dream to get to know. He is really straightforward to ride. He is a little forward but once you figure out the pace, everything works out. We get along really well. We keep forgetting that he is as young as he is. He has such a good brain and we get along really well, which I think is the most important thing.
I was excited that we qualified for the NAL Finals. I had never been before and so the goal was to just come and get around and have fun. We haven't shown all that much but he has been consistent in the Classics, so we came to Harrisburg to give it a shot. I chose the NAL because not many shows of this caliber have the 3' divisions. They are kind of forgotten at some shows. So, to find a big indoor show that had a class like this was great, but I never expected to win. I am a true amateur with a full time normal job so I don't get out to ride nearly as much as I would like. I am excited about what the future is going to bring. It has been a dream since I got him. I am so lucky to have him."