Starting this thursday a list of top riders will be heading for the international fourstar competition in Antwerp city, Belgium. The organisation offers one of the most exclusive and well organised competitions in the world, proof is the decision of the Olympic silver medal-winner Gerco Schröder, to cancel his participation for the World Cup finals in Göthenborg and confirm his presence for Antwerp instead. Equnews.com asked the topsider about his decisions. For a full riderslist:
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You cancelled Your participation for Gothenborg, was it a hard decision?
Gerco: This summer's season offers a wide range of beautiful competitions. Because the horse I would have taken to Gothenborg is not ready yet and I preferred to spare London (s. Nabab de Rêve) a little bit I decided to cancel my trip to Sweden. The next thing I had to do was to look at the best possible replacement-competition for the World Cup Finals, without a doubt that is the CSI4* in Antwerp.
So you relate Antwerp to quality?
Gerco: As a rider or horse everything is so organised in Antwerp You feel like a king or queen or at least a special VIP. The arena is perfect, the (temporary) venue and location are so idyllic that Antwerp is a dream. I think my decision to take London with me, my Olympic top horse, is the best proof of my confidence in the organisation of this competition.
So We already know London is traveling with You to Belgium, who else?
Gerco: After a small break for Londen, Antwerp is the best competition to get back into work on a high level. Further als Vicky Gold (s. Andiamo) will travel with me to Belgium.
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