Yesterday Poland secured the win at the Nations Cup in Linz, that same day Italy coloured the victory in Norway taking home the Nations Cup win in Drammen. Italy secured the gold medal four faults ahead of the Norwegian team that secured a very popular second place. Luca Maria Moneta was the first to start for his Italian team. Abaord Connerty (by Cordobes II) Moneta finished both rounds with four faults. Matilde Giorgia Bianchi and Lejano (by Limbus) were the only ones to produce a double clear round for Emilio Puricelli's team. Paolo Cannizzaro and Cinnamon (by Calido I) concluded their participation with 0/4 points. The final Italian rider was Giacomo Bassi who finished with 17 faults in the first round. With a total of 12 points the Italian team stayed ahead of the home team Norway, collecting a total of 16 faults. Marie Longem (Algorythem) - 0/4 - Victoria Gulliksen (Viego les Hautes) - 4/4 - Stein Endresen (Cintia) and Geir Gulliksen (Edesa S Banjan) both finished with a total of 8 points. With a beautiful weather the spectators saw the British team completing the stage. Great Britain was represented by Kerry Brennan/Wellington M (by Quidam de Revel), Douglas Duffin Quidam B Z (by Quasimodo Z ), James Billington/VDL Cartello (by Cartani) and Joe Whotaker/Lola V(by Locarno 62).