Some of the world's best rider have been in flying form at the Longines Athina Onassis Horse Show in St. Tropez this weekend. Today, British legend John Whitaker won the 1.60m CSI5* Grand Prix, taking the win ahead of 42 other riders. After the first round, 18 riders went through to the second round, where 5 riders navigated the difficult track perfectly, seeing them head into the jump-off. First to go in the jump-off was French rider Kevin Staut with For joy van't Zorgvliet (For Pleasure x Heartbreaker). He laid down the gauntlet for the other riders, stopping the clock at 36.96 seconds and putting on the pressure for those to come. Next to take the lead was Germany's Christian Ahlmann, who blitzed around the arena putting 36.26 seconds on the clock.  Home rider Simon Delestre was next to try and take the top spot but would eventually finish in third place with Qlassic Bois Margot (l'Arc de Triomphe x Galoubet A), and as a bonus took home the best rider award. As last to go, John Whitaker just narrowly took the win with his 14 year old stallion Argento (Arko III x Gasper), stopping the clock at 36.17 seconds. Christian Ahlmann would then have to settle for second place. FULL RESULTS Photo ; Frank Fotistica for Equnews