Earlier this year Belgian rider Jos Verlooy acquired the gelding Hello Sunshine from World no.1 Scott Brash. After competing him in a few shows Jos told our colleagues at Equnews.fr what he thought about his new prospect. "He’s a very nice horse, I haven't had him for that long. Our first show was Zurich, it was very good. And last week I went to Lier for a 2* show and we were second in the Grand Prix. This week we’re gonna try to do the Land Rover Grand Prix (In Bordeaux where they eventually finished 20th), and I’m looking forward to it. He has a really good character, he’s really friendly and I still have to get to know him better but he seems very good. For this season we’re gonna try to do our best, to do as good as possible and if the feeling is good try to do the highest level because he has all the talent and all the capacity to do it. Before Domino had to do everything and now he can rest a bit and also try to get up in the rankings. " Photo : Jos Verlooy and Hello Sunshine - Equnews.fr