The 1.45m class at the CSI4* Horse & Dreams show in Hagen (Germany) was won by Julien Epaillard. With Safari D'Auge he was way quicker than his opponents.
  1. Julien Epaillard - Safari d'Auge
  2. Katrin Eckermann - F.C. Okarla
  3. Holger Wulschner - Bsc Cha Cha Cha

61 participants entered, 24 of them stayed clear. Epaillard brought the victory to France by finishing in only 62.28 seconds, more than 3 seconds faster than homerider Katrin Eckermann with F.C. Okarla (v. Verdi TN). The third place stayed in Germany as well, with Holger Wulschner and his Casall-son Bsc Cha Cha Cha. Werner Muff (Jolie vh Molenhof) and Maurice Tebbel (Chacco's Son) completed the top five. Check out the full results here.