In the competitive power and speed $15,000 FEI South Point Jumper Stake, presented by Secchiari, it was the nineteenth pair to go who sped into the lead for the win. Going double clean, with a time of 22.15 seconds in the speed phase, Kaitlin Campbell and her tried-and-true equine partner Rocky W ultimately topped the field of 27 competitors.

In a full gallop throughout, Campbell rode a tidy track, especially during the immediate speed phase where the young professional knew she could turn it up a notch. When she spoke of the course, designed by Oscar Soberon, the winner said, "The time allowed in the first phase was not too tight, so I was able to ride normally. Although Rocky is 19 years old now, he still spooks at the liverpools, so I had to ride him a bit more through that part. I had seen people do the last line in six stride, but I ran down there hoping he'd leave in five strides, and he did!"
Campbell and Rocky W are no strangers to the winner's circle, posting many wins throughout their eleven years of competing together. Though in his upper teens, the horse still loves his job. "I pick and choose my classes with him, I take care of him every day, and I cut out the schooling classes. Although he's toward the end of his career, he loves showing and he loves winning, so he'll tell me what he wants to do."
Moving to the West Coast just last year, Campbell has been looking forward to showing at the Las Vegas National. "I've always shown at indoors on the East Coast, and there aren't any shows like that here on the West Coast, so Las Vegas is the closest thing I've been able to get since moving out here. The arena rides very nicely and is definitely larger than most of the indoors on the East Coast."