This weekend the World Cup season is a go in Denmark's Herning. However today the competition started with a 1m45 in the CSI3*. It was Lars Bak Andersen who took the victory aboard his 3q Qalisya (by Stedinger) in 27.47 seconds. With that time he was a fraction faster then Germany's Carsten Otto Nagel and his La Conga (by Landjonker) with whom he finished in second place in 27.81 seconds. In third place it was Patrick Stühlmeyer and Shere Khan du Banney (by Eyken des Fontenis) in 27.94 seconds. Completing the top five in fourth place we found Irish rider Shane Carey aboard Fecybelle, followed by Martine Eknes Hegna and Zoraya 7 in fifth place. Results