There were many sporting successes to celebrate, but also to master one or the other challenge - at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the German Equestrian Federation (FN) in Hamburg, the association management drew a mixed record in the Association Council in the past year. "Sporty it was great days and with 17 medals overall the most successful World Equestrian Games of all time for the German team. As the first sport in Germany, we reached all possible quota places for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 ", Secretary General Soenke Lauterbach recalled the successes at the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Tryon / USA. But he also did not forget to mention the difficulties in connection with the partially chaotic organization, the German team leadership demanded just such a high performance behind the scenes, as the assets in the square, on the circle, in the area or course. Man's loss In connection with the tournament statistics, Peiler also pointed to persistent male loss in equestrian sport. This makes itself felt with club members (-2.55 percent), but could be almost completely offset by an increase in women. "Our goal must be to have the best possible sex ratio, and I urge everyone to start projects to empower the boys - we've been better off in this area," said Peiler. This also affects the training. "We currently have around 85 percent licensed trainers, and 90 percent of the first-time exhibitors, so we have to be careful that the male role models are not lost here."