This morning it was Brasil's Marlon Zanotelli who speeded to victory in the 1.50m morning class in Treffen. After a clear finish in 34.15 seconds Zanotelli took the lead in the saddle of Isabeau de Laubry (f. Cardento I). Together with Michel Haelterman's breeding product, the brazilian show jumping rider stayed ahead over two seconds on GHPC-rider, Gerco Schröder. Aboard Glock's Dobelensky (f. Cornet Obolensky) Scröder placed second while Malin Baryard-Johnsson completed the stage with H&M Second Chance (f. Carland). The pair was followed y Mac Kühner (Cornet Kalua, f. Cornet Obolensky) and Christophe Vanderasselt with the Contendro-daughter, Caroline T.Z..