At the international 3-star event in Vichy, France it was the Moroccan rider Abdelkebir who took home the victory in the Grand Prix. The height was set at 1m50 and Abdelkebir aboard Quickly De Kresikerended faultless in 46:18 seconds. The unbeatable time. Patric Delaveau was also clear however he and Carinjo HDC stopped the time at 48:54 seconds good for the second place. The third place was for Niall Talbot and Nicos De La Cense jumping one rail down.
The top five was completed by Edouard Couperie and Nector Des Roches in the fourth position, followed by Cedric Angot and Rubis De Preuilly. The Brasilian talented Ashford-Farm rider, Marlon Zanotelli ended sixth with Clintash.
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