For the Miasuki opening show, the 5* riders had a chance to warm their horses up in the Longines Masters of Paris arena. For some, this was an opportunity to prepare their top horses for the weekend's events, and for others to combine practicality with pleasure. Martin Fuchs had the last word here. Riding Uzo van het Hobos Z, he finished on an unbeatable time: a good omen for the Longines Speed Challenge tomorrow evening in which he should be competing with the same horse. "He was a bit nervous as he entered the arena, he said, but once we got going, he started to concentrate." This young Swiss rider revealed his talent at last year's event here in Paris when he won the Gucci Grand Prix. He has come back to win again with this nine year-old Z horse who is already very competitive. What will be the second instalment of this love story between Paris and the young 22 year-old champion? But now it's time for the Miasuki show, where innovation goes hand in hand with fashion. Preparations are under way in the Village Prestige as the models parade on the cat-walk. Very soon, L.E.J. will be up on the stage. Later on tonight, Jérémie Charlier will also be performing. Let the show begin! The French riders dressed in blue In memory of the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks, the French team riders will wear their blue jackets and the ‪#‎PrayforParis badge throughout the Longines Masters of Paris weekend.