The highlight of the weekend of the U25 riders has just been ridden: the Grand Prix. 13 combinations entered the show ground for this 1m45 class, five of them managed to jump a clear first round and came back for the jump-off. In that jump-off, Natalie Dean was the first rider to start. She immediately rode a fast, clear round with Don's Diamant (f. Diamant de Semilly), putting a lot of pressure on her opponents. In the end, no other combinations could keep the zero on the scoreboard so Deans time of 30,96 seconds was enough to take home the victory. The second place went to Coco Fath and Exotik Sitte (f. Ogano Sitte). They jumped the course in 34,30 seconds and got one penalty for jumping. Dannie Murphy and Isabeau de Laubry (f. Cardento I) completed the top three. Mackenzie Wray (Jewel LVP) and Samantha Wight (Imagine vd Hermintage) followed on fourth and fifth place. Click here for the results