Two years ago Jeroen Dubbeldam and his horse Zenith jumped in the spotlight winning the 2014 FEI Alltech World Equestrian Games in Caen, France. Last year the pair claimed the gold medal at the European Championships in Aachen, Germany. With only some weeks left for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games all eyes are on this combination. Now the Dutch teamcoach and show jumping rider, Jeroen Dubbeldam have decided not to start SFN Zenith N.O.P. at this weeks CHIO Nations Cup in Rotterdam. "Initially I had the intention to start Zenith in Rotterdam. However my last Nations Cup ni Rome didn't go as well as planned. Therefor I decided to start in last weeks CSI at the Glock Performance Center in Treffen," states Dubbeldam. "Our next Nations Cup will be in Falsterbo, Sweden. This means the competition in Rotterdam doesn't fit our program on the road to Rio 2016." However Dubbeldam is not 100% sure about his selection for the next Olympic Games. However the 12-year-old SFN Zenith N.O.P. is reserved for the Games. After the horse might be auctioned in October.