Today Belgium's Nicola Philippaerts and his silver horse, Silverstar got eliminated after a communication error in the double combination. However at the Deodoro Equestrian Center in Rio de Janeiro, the judges decided to disqualify the show jumping rider because of extensive spur use. For Philippaerts and his race for the individual gold medal, it makes no difference. Also Dutch show jumping rider got disqualified. Vrieling and Zirocco got eliminated on the same fence. After the general support of the audiance, the disqualification of the Dutch rider got however reversed. Fort Jur Vrieling and his attempt on the individual victory this doesn't change anything. For the Dutch team it however does. Now Jur can still compete and prepare for the Nations Cup team competition, defending the orange colour. Jur got eliminated in the first place because of extensive whip use. Today's decisions of the judges raises the question of partial favoritism... Some riders used more spur or whip and didn't even receive a warning from the officials. While others were immediately disqualified. Although the disqualified riders had no individual goal anymore, the partial favoritism was criticized by the spectators of the first Olympic show jumping qualification class.