Thursday starts with the CSIO Goodwill Trophy. Ambitious amateur riders have the one-time experience, to enter the arena of the Gründenmoos on Thursday afternoon. In two classes the 20 best riders can qualify themselves for the final that will be on Friday evening. On Saturday, before the speed class starts, golf clubs will be swung during the entertaining Paddock Golf competition. Personalities will take part: Jürg Stahl, President of the National Council; Andy Wenzel, former ski racer and Comedian Claudio Zuccolini. The sportive highlight follows on Sunday with the Longines Grand Prix of Switzerland. In the “Breitfeld”, where 1884 the first international show jumping competition took place there is a theme park for the first time with attractions for old and young: Pony rides or an adventurous ride with Jeep and horse trailer organized by Jeep and Horsetrailer Driving Experience. The children’s paradise has been enlarged: all kind of games, a corner where the children can tinker with assistance, shoot goals and go on the climbing tower. The Swiss Army will be showing their work in a field camp of the “Train”, with stables for the horses and a blacksmith. Every day two horses will get new shoes there. In the theme park and in the big arena they will be further demonstrating the versatile use of horses and dogs in the military. The Show of the Para-Equestrian Riding will once again be impressive. The festive fun starts on Friday evening with the legendary party “Calvaro – White Legend!” with Alpenchic. All competing Swiss riders will take part at the CSIO Dinner Party on Saturday evening. Sunday morning offers the possibility for the Zmorge-Picknick in the Gründenmoos, from where the preparations for the tournament can be seen from close.