Today only the 16 best combinations of the past two qualifiers at the Belgian Show Jumping Championships took the start. This first round of the Ultimate Finals for the Title, was set at a height of 1.50m. Only two combinations managed to produce a clear round. Man in form and on his way for the title, Pieter Devos (Espoir) managed to keep it clear as well as Pieter Clemens with Horizon de Regor. Pieter Devos is going to the ultimate round with zero points, while Clemens is currently set at a total of 2.67 points. Pieter Devos eventually managed to take home the title. After two years ending up with the Silver Medal, Devos now finally catches the Gold. Devos and Espoir didn't jump one rail down in the past few days. Pieter Clemens placed second as vice Belgian Champion. Female rider, Fabienne Daigneux-Lange completed the stage with her own Venue d'Fees des Hazelles. She finished with 5.43 points. The top five was completed by Karline de Brabander (Fantomas de Muze) in fourth and Constant van Paesschen (Carlow van de Helle) in fifth. Belgium's Vincent Lambrechts did fall from his horse and did decide not to start in the final round. The show jumping rider still needs to be diagnosed.