While it was Christian Ahlmann who was victorious at the Youngster Cup Final of the seven year olds, it is now Belgium's Pieter Devos who won the Cup for the eight year olds in Liepzig. He could count on his Dutch Warmblood gelding Flash (by Numero Uno) and finished in a time of 25.98 seconds. Following in second place we find Daniel Deusser and his mare Killer Queen VDM (by Eldorado van de Zeshoek) with whom he finished in 27.16 seconds. Third place went to Mylene Diedericksmeier for Germany with her Clarabela (by Connor). The top five was completed by Marco Kutscher and Cassata in fourth place, followed by Judy-Ann Melchior with Dominater 2000 Z in fifth place.   Find all results here