After Team USA's win in the FEI Dublin Nations Cup there was a very happy atmosphere in the press conference. John Roche - FEI Director of Jumping on who has been relegated from Europe division 1 : " [Those] relegated next season from division 1 to division 2 is the Ukrainian Team as it finished last this year at the end of this season. There could be another team relegated but that will depend on whether the second qualified team from Division 2 at the final finishes within the top 8. So there's still a degree of suspension." Robert Ridland on Dublin and the Team : " For us [Team USA] as we've said Dublin is very special, it's very special for our sport. We're always honoured to be here. What's really special for us is that we took ten riders on the short list and every Furusiyya Nations Cup that we went to we had a different team. We only had one rider from last week at Hickstead [here in Dublin] and that of course was Beezie, and all four horses were different here. We've been shuffling the deck, getting incredible experience over here and we feel very fortunate at the moment with the depth that we have and the future that we have. It was a great day for us." Robert Ridland on the World Eqestrian Games : "Well, I think in all sports and certainly in our sport – you don't want to be feeling too high and too confident when things are going well. But at the same time you should not get too low when thing don't, cause they sure can change in a hurry – we all know that. So, yes we are confident but I think within perspective. There are some incredible strong teams that I think we were fortunate to beat today." On the team selection for the WEG Ridland said : "You will know next Wednesday!" Beezie Madden what caused the trouble in the triple combination: "I wish I could say! I guess in the first round the camera was a little bit of an issue, because the triple was really close to that but in the second round the triple was away. Mostly the horses have seen a lot of these triples before, so I really don't know what the deal was but something was funny about it." Beezie Madden on the course in general : "I thought it was excellent. It started with the curve from the water then you had a careful jump after that. You had a little scope at the triple, and a little of everything down the last line. It was a little bit of a flat distance down to the last double and the distance inside it was very short, and that definitely caused some trouble there. I think some in the second round did seven to solve the problem, but mostly it was a flat six so it was difficult." Charlie Jayne on having one of two clear rounds for Team USA : "It's a good feeling. I can't say it happens every day! First of all I want to say thank you to the RDS, these is one of the best crowds I have ever competed at. This is my third time here, and one of my favorite shows in Europe. This is my first time back competing in Europe since the World Cup Finals and my horse feels great." Katie Dinan on her horse ; "I am very lucky. I got my horse Nougat du Vallet in 2011, and he became the horse he is for me and has allowed me to compete at top level at this age. So I am really grateful for him, and for my parents who have been so incredible supportive of me and the team that I have behind me." Jessica Springsteen on her performance and horse Vindicat W: "I have not been on that many Nations Cup teams so I was a little bit nervous, and especially showing here but my horse was incredible and jumped unbelievable so I could not have asked for anything more. He has a unique way of going, but he is actually a lot less stronger than he looks. I like that he is so brave and so confident, he is always going and it makes me more confident stepping into a course like this."