This weekend Ludger Beerbaum welcomed the international scene at his new facilities in Riesenbeck. At the two-star interntational showjumping it was USA showjumper, Chloe Reid who took home the victory in the 1.50m Grand Prix. A total of 6 combinations returned for the jump-off. Reid and the 8-years-old Darco-son, Codarco were 0.01 seconds faster as home-rider, Hendrik von Eckermann. Eckermann and Sansibar (by Stakkato) were followed by Maikel van der Vleuten and VDL Groep Quatro. Compatriot Ben Schröder and Complemento finished fourth. The top five was completed by Eoin McMahon and Bling Bling. Int he South of Europe, in Vilamoura, a total of 8 horse-rider combinations returned for the jump-off in the two-star Grand Prix. Fastest time was set by Marlon Zanotelli and Sea Coast Ferly. The pair was followed by Martin Dinesen Neergaard aboard Woulon L. Italy's Luca Maria Moneta and Herold N finished third. The top five was completed by Darragh Kenny (Picolo) and Luis Sabino Goncalves (Goran van den Ossezak).