Donaat Brondaal, yet again loses one of his top horses. The 12-year-old Rexar du Houssoit (E.T.) (s. Ksar Sitte) jumped towards some nice honorary places and international triumphs with the Belgian show jumper. Together they ended second at the Grand Prix of the CSI2* in Moorsele, earlier this year. Last year they completed the stage at the CSIO4* in Lummen with a third place. Now the stallion moves from owner People & Horses to the stables of Tal Milstein, located in Asse, Belgium.
Although the sBs-sire just arrived at Tal Milstein a couple of hours ago, he won't stay for long. On May 27 the first ride with his new rider, the American Kirsten Coe (connected to Tal Milstein Stables), is already planned in Calgary.
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