This month's Longines Ranking is the ninth one in a row that sees Great Britain's Scott Brash on top (3374 points). Germany's Ludger Beerbaum is now up to rank two (2824 points), while Great Britain's Ben Maher is down to rank three (2805 points). The second German rider on the ranking is Marcus Ehning who stays as rank four (2779 points), while USA's Kent Farrington is up from rank eight to five after great results last month (2663 points). France's Kevin Staut falls down one spot to rank six (2535), and then follows his compatriot Patrice Delaveau in rank seven (2475 points) – also one down from last month. The third German rider on the ranking is Daniel Deusser as number eight (2461 points) who is up one spot from last month, while France also has Penelope Leprevost as rank nine (2435) - she falls to spots down this month. Belgium's Gregory Wathelet has been climbing and climbing on the world ranking the last months, and on this ranking he goes into the top ten after being rank 13 last month. click here for the full ranking.