At the start of the Global Champions Tour in Mexico City we just finished with the 1m45 qualifier for the rankings. It was Irish rider Shane Sweetnam who took the victory with his seventeen year old Cyklon (by Cardento 933) in 19.33 seconds. He was followed closely by French rider Simon Delestre and his Gain Line (by Stolzenberg) with whom he finished in 19.62 seconds. Then in third place it was Julien Epaillard and his Instit de Jucaso (by Cooper van de heffinck) with whom he finished in 19.70 seconds. Completing the top five we found in fourth place Irish rider Michael Duffy with Jule van den Tinnenpot, followed by Belgium's Nicola Philippaerts in the saddle of his H&M Harley vd Bisschop in fifth place.   Find all results here