The last day of the Pennsylvania Swan Lake Horse Show concluded with the $24,975 Grand Prix by Dover Saddlery. With a total of 27 starters, only 9 returned in the second round. Six pairs succeeded in a faultless jump-off with Silvio Mazzoni and Remonta Habano on top. A clear round in 33.693 seconds gave them an advantage of about 1 second on Brooke Kemper and Classified. The stage was completed by Amanda Flint and her Dutch horse Chester VDL, finishing clear in 34.508 seconds. Also Adam Prudent (Vasco), Amanda Flint (Gandor de Walput) and Bryan Sadler (Bon Giorno) crossed the finish line faultless. Ending in a fourth, fifth and sixth place. In the 1m30 class only 3 horse-rider combinations got through to the jump off, where only Kirk Webby and Contharo 2 made it clear. Sulu Rose-Reed and Indarco jumped two rails down, making it to the second spot, while Marilyn Little and Chaviana had a misunderstanding in their jump-off. Eventually they stranded on the third place.