Last month USA's Ward McLain pushed France's Simon Delestre from his throne, this month Delestre is back as world number one on the FEI Longines ranking. With a total of 3170 points, Delestre has secured his number one spot. The French show jumping rider is followed by Zangersheide-rider, Christian Ahlmann. Ahlmann is the current top leader of the Global Champions Tour circuit, and is also on his way to become the world number one with a total of 3149 points so far. Last month's number one, has switched to the third spot and is followed by Pénélope Leprévost, who remains on the fourth place. Kent Farrington an Scott Brash ahve switched spots. Farrington is now placed as number five, while Brash is the new number six of the world. Just like Leprévost, Kevin Staut remains on his spot as the number seven. Knokke's CSI5* Grand Prix winner, moves up to the 8th place (previous 9th) and is followed by Bertram Allen. Belgium's Gregory Wathelet has moved two spots down and now completed the top ten. Biggest move forward in the top 50 was made by Belgium's Nicola Philippaerts. Philippaerts enters the top fifty on the 38th place, moving up no less than 23 places.