A French victory is today's result in the 1m60 five star Grand Prix of Saut Hermès. Simon Delestre takes a home win with his Hermes Ryan (by Hugo Gesmeray) with whom he finished in 34.54 seconds. In second place it was Niels Bruynseels who took last weeks victory at The Dutch Masters. Now he and his Gancia de Muze (by Malito de Reve) finished in 34.37 seconds. For Germany's Marcus Ehning and his Cornado NRW (by Cornet Obolensky) there was a third place with 35.72 seconds. The top five was completed by Peder Fredericson and his Hansson WL (by Hip Hop) in fourth place, while it was Olivier Robert and his Tempo de Paban (by Jarnac) in fifth place.   Find all results here