Today the fire was on in the first round of the World Cup Final in Gothenburg. In this CSI5* 1m60 Speed & Handiness class it all came down between the Belgian riders and Swiss rider Steve Guerdat. In the end it was Guerdat who flew past the Belgian top three and took first place aboard his Alamo (by Ukato).

Quick results:
  1.  Steve Guerdat - Alamo
  2. Pieter Devos - Apart
  3. Olivier Philippaerts - H&M Legend of Love

Guerdat and Alamo took the first round with a beautiful start in 61.28 seconds. He will however feel the hot breath of the Belgian team in his neck tomorrow during the second round. They had a really strong run taking second, third and fourth place in this first final. It was Pieter Devos who aboard Apart (by Larino) who finished in second place with a time of 61.31 seconds. Following in third place was Olivier Philippaerts who also knew a strong and fast round aboard his grey H&M Legend of Love (by Landzauber) finishing in 61.43 seconds. Then in fourth place it was Francois Jr Mathy and his Casanova de l 'Herse (by Ugano Sitte), followed by Martin Fuchs who took fifth place with Clooney 51 (by Cornet Obolensky). The second round of the final will take place tomorrow at 18.00h. This sunday it will all come down to the super final.   Results