Emile Hendrix, part of selection panel since the first year makes a clear statement, together with Franke Sloothaak, during the second leg of this year’s selection at CSI3* Mannheim. “ We could see new stars rising up, and the level of applicants is clearly growing year by year, the consequence is that being good is not enough. The new young riders have serious goals and they are keen to work hard for them. We, as observers, are looking for those qualities that make differences; of course talents and goals, but ambition, emotion and management are key nowadays. And… be careful about talent, it can be an handicap when it makes people lazy!” Franke Sloothaak, who definitely supports Emile’s vision adds his tips: “ first of all, I want to train riders when they show a winning attitude with an open mind! For YR it is important to change training method once in a while, living a new experience with a different trainer because the more they look at, the more they see, the more they learn, the more they will be ready to work on their own because the riding could be similar, but horses change every time. Riders, to reach their goals, have to improve the horse movement, the body structure, understand and modify the attitude accordingly. My focus points are: position, connection with the horse, feeling the movement, be in balance. Influence on the movement of the horse because, at the end of the journey, horses make the riders". AMBITION AMBITION AMBITION