In Falstebo, Sweden, the day ended with a thrilling Nations Cup showjumping. With really close results it all came down to a jump-off. From each country of the top four nations, one rider was selected to take the team to victory. With the four teams all in 4 penalties it all had to come down to one rider. It was the Dutch team that made history at Swedish soil with Johnny Pals being selected as their jump-off rider. Aboard his Chat Botte du Ruisseau Z (by Casall) he finished with a clear round in 39.33 seconds leaving them in first place. The other riders in the team where Maikel van der Vleuten and IDI Utopia (by Quasimodo Z) (4-0), Michel Hendrix with Baileys (by Indoctro) who's results was deleted and Jur Vrieling with VDL Glasgow v Merelsnest N.O.P. (By Nabab de Reve) who completed with two clear rounds. In second place it was the Irish team who selected Daniel Coyle for the Jump-off. Aboard his Cita (by Casall) he jumped a clear round in 41.52 seconds. In third place it was Sweden that finished with 4 penalties in 41.52 seconds. The top five was completed by Italy in fourth place and Great Britain in fifth place.   Find all results here