TeoGenn.jpgAmerican showjumper Teo Genn rode away with the big check and 'golden medal' in Sunday's $50,000 Grand Prix of the 2013 Gulf Coast Circuit. In total 24 combinations attempt the course set by course designer Allen Rheinheimer, but only three emerged to the jump-off. A round that used a slightly changed course. “We used a few new jumps, like the casino jump, and some they haven’t seen in the triple combination that caused some problems. The main thing was there was a different look to the field,” Rheinheimer said. First to go in the jump-off round was Bryn Sadler riding Bon Giorno. The pair went clean and set the time to beat at 45.135 seconds. Next to jump-off was Devin Ryan riding Zosja. Ryan looked to add another grand prix win to his list of winter achievements, but with four faults despite a fast time of 39.087 seconds, the pair would settle for third place overall. Last to go in the jump off was Theo Genn and Winchester. The pair went clean and with a time of 41.276 seconds, bested Sadler’s time putting her in second place and them in the winner’s circle. source: equnews.be/ Gulf Coast Tour