Tiffany Foster brings home a win for Canada in the AltaGas Cup, at the Spruce Meadows ‘Continental’ Tournament. Beaming over the 11 year-old dark bay gelding Brighton, Tiffany said “He is just one of my favorite horses of all time!” Brighton earned his oats today taking Foster into a stacked jump off, featuring 15 top horses and riders from around the globe. “No matter the size or the speed of the competition, this horse tries so hard every time he’s in the ring – I just love him”, commented Foster. When ask what Brighton’s future would hold, Tiffany spoke on how she manages the Dutch Warmblood gelding. “I have to be careful that I don’t always ask him to stretch beyond what he’s capable of because I know a lot of what he does – he does from his heart – so I want to make sure that every time he goes in the ring he wants to keep trying.” Foster continued, “I make sure that I keep throwing in competitions that aren’t at the limit of his effort. I stick to that plan because I feel it keeps him competitive and happy.” Following Foster to the podium was American master Beezie Madden aboard a talented new mount Con Taggio, an 8 year-old Oldenburg gelding. The stunning dapple grey gelding showed his promise in this afternoons’ AltaGas Cup with a beautiful round to finish just 1.28 seconds behind the winning time. Cameron Hanley of Ireland picked up his first podium finish in the Meadows on the Green today aboard another talented grey gelding. The 8 year-old Holstein, Quirex, carried Hanley(IRL) to a photo finish against Madden’s time, arriving just 0.16 seconds behind the veteran from the USA.