Today again 3 arena's were opened for the different riders and horses at the Zangersheide venue. The competition for the six-year-old horses concluded with a dominating Tobias Thoenes ending on a second and third place. On the back of Causality Thoenes finished in a time of 32:82 seconds, good for a second place. Together with Crowntano Z he ended third after a clear round in 34:05 seconds. However victory was for the Dutch showjumper Kristian Houwen and Cilydi who crossed the finish in 32:21 seconds. Columbian rider Dayro Arroyave and Centaur B finished outside the stage on a fourth place.
The best home-placing was achieved by Philip Gysbrechts and Clockwise of Greenhill Z ending in a fifth place. Nick Verlies and Quincy vd Laarseheide Z made it to the sixth place. In total 33 pairs rode a double clear round out of 89 starters.