
In the CSI3* 1m45 LR class in Lier it was Bliss Heers who took the competition with Antidote de Mars in 29. 32 seconds. 

Quick results:

1. Bliss Heers - Antidote de Mars
2. Patrice Delaveau - Click n Chic
3. Ashlee Bond - Donatello 41


In Fontainebleau the CSI2* 1m45 LR Grand Prix Qualifier fell prey to Nicolas Delmotte and his Darmani van T Heike. The combination finished in 44.71 seconds. 

Quick results:

1. Nicolas Delmotte Darmani van T Heike
2. Jerome Hurel - As de Mai
3. Coco Fath - Vidocq de la By