The riders list for the csi three star international horse show in Del Mar has some big names on the entry list. For example we will see Canadian rider Chris Pratt with his horses Concorde and Zetro Sent. But also Ben Asselin and his Clockwise, Lesson Peak and Wahrhaftige CR. Then for Germany it will be Christian Heineking and his two horses Leonie and NKH Calango who entered, while for Iran it is Ali Nilforushan with his horse Clarinius. Then for Ireland we will see Kevin Babington with his Double O Seven 7 and Mark Q, while Japan will bring Shota Ogomori with his Sig Iron Man and SIG Silver Surfer. The United States is well represented with riders like Ashlee Bond and Ace of Hearts and Cornancer, Kaitlin Campbell with Rocky W, Karl Cook and his Caillou 24, Jennifer Gates with Pumped up Kicks, Joie Gatlin with Rammstein and Alyssa Hecht and her Arc de Triomphe. We wil also see Mavis Spencer with both Chacco and Dubai and Jack Towell will compete with New York. Find the full entry list here