Eleven of the Top 20 show jumpers in the Longines World Rankings are set to compete at Olympia including World No. 1 Scott Brash. Nominations for the CSI5*-W show were announced this week and among them are some of the biggest international names in the sport, including Marcus Ehning (GER), World Equestrian Games Team Silver Medallist Kevin Staut (FRA) and this year’s World Cup Final winner Daniel Deusser (GER). New kid on the block, 19-year-old Bertram Allen (IRE) is also on the list, with the mare that propelled him into the limelight at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games this year, Molly Malone V. Forty-one out of the 51 riders nominated are from overseas, including Dutch riders Maikel van der Vleuten and Jur Vrieling, who won Team Gold at the World Equestrian Games in August. London 2012 Individual Gold Medallist Steve Guerdat (SUI) and glamorous French rider, Pénélope Leprevost – who has become a regular at Olympia in recent years – are both on the list. Among the British nominations are the Whitaker dynasty of Michael, John, William and Robert and Britain’s No.1 female rider, Laura Renwick, who will be no doubt looking to defend her H&M Leading Rider title which she scooped in 2013. Last year’s Olympia Grand Prix winner, Ben Maher is aiming to bring four horses, including Puissance specialist, Noctambule Courcelle. Spencer Roe, Joe Clee and Guy Williams complete the British line-up. Here is a full list of the nominations Rider Federation Tops-Alexander, Edwina AUS Saurugg, Markus AUT Mathy, Francois Jr BEL Van Paesschen, Constant BEL Verlooy, Jos BEL Wathelet, Gregory BEL Zanotelli, Marlon BRA Moya, Sergio Alvarez ESP Liukkonen, Satu FIN Delestre, Simon FRA Fontanelle, Alexandre FRA Hécart, Marie FRA Hurel, Jerome FRA Leprevost, Pénélope FRA Staut, Kevin FRA Brash, Scott GBR Clee, Joe GBR Maher, Ben GBR Renwick, Laura GBR Roe, Spencer GBR Whitaker, John GBR Whitaker, Michael GBR Whitaker, Robert GBR Whitaker, William GBR Williams, Guy GBR Deusser, Daniel GER Dreher, Hans-Dieter GER Ehning, Marcus GER Kutscher, Marco GER Michaels-Beerbaum, Meredith GER Stühlmeyer, Patrick GER Will, David GER Allen, Bertram IRL Lynch, Denis IRL Gaudiano, Emanuele ITA Luca Moneta ITA Bles, Bart NED van der Schans, Wout-Jan NED van der Vleuten, Maikel NED Vrieling, Jur NED Gulliksen, Geir NOR Diniz, Luciana POR Fuchs, Martin SUI Guerdat, Steve SUI Schwizer, Pius SUI Baryard-Johnsson, Malin SWE Fredricson, Peder SWE Lindelow, Douglas SWE von Eckermann, Henrik SWE Hough, Lauren USA Kessler, Reed USA Photo : Scott Brash - Equnews.fr