In a race to not collect to many penalty points it was team Ukraine who ended up victorious in todays todays Nation Cup in the Danish Odense. A young team of Dutch riders clinched on to the second spot and it were the Spanish who ended up third This evenings course meant business with hardly none staying clear in the two round competition today. The top team from Ukraine with Cassio Rivetti (Torgal de Virton), Ulrich Kirchhoff (Gabbiano), Fenec Szentirmai (Zipper) and Rene Tebbel ended up being the best contenders of this round in the cup taking home the win with 'only' 12 penalties. Even the Dutch, who are known for smooth clear rounds, could not stop the poles from coming down. Laying in second position after first round with 5 penalties the jumpers in Orange all left the ring with at least 4 penalties ending up on a total score of 17 penalties finishing second. With poles flying around it was only the Spanish rider Manuel Anon Suarez and his horse Rackel Chavannaise who did not touch the wood one time and brought his team a good score of a mere penalty for time. But his teammate Diego Perez Bilbao (Corrada), Arando Trapote (Macao) and Laura Roquet Puignero were not that lucky. Making the Spanish collect two more penalty point as the Dutch. Check out all results over here.