In an unexpected twist in the Van Paesschen case, the Belgian Equestrian Federation has now decided not to put Constant van Paesschen on the Show Jumping team for the FEI World Equestrian Games. After Constant van Paesschen was not selected for the team he took legal action. Today the Belgian Court of Arbitration for Sport decided that Constant would be on the team, only to revoke that decision. The Belgian Equestrian Federation has decided to send the team that they had originally selected to Normandy. The Official team is : Pieter Devos (Dream of India Greenfield), Gregory Wathelet ( Conrad de Hus) , Jos Lansink ( Ensor Litrange LXII), Olivier Philippaerts (Cabrio van de Heffinck) and Jos Verlooy (Domino) as reserve. See the previous posts about the Van Paesschen case on