In general the FEI Fees will increase with 10%. For CSI1* and CSI2* events the maximum Entry Fee will adjust from 400 euro to 440 euro. For CSI3* events the fee increase from 450 to 495 euro. If you participate at CSI4* events you will from now on pay 605 euro entry fee instead of 550 euro. For CSI5* W WEL the Entry Fee is 495 euro. The 10% increase is also applicable for Young Horses competitions where the Entry Free will be 330 euro in 2023.

Feedback IJRC not yet in the new rules

In the official FEI Jumping rules, rule 241 was adjusted as earlier mentioned in the General Assambly by the FEI. The much discussed rule allows the ground jury to eliminate any rider in case the situation of the rider is in contrast to the horse welfare principles. The following was added to the rule 241.

"The President of the Ground Jury (or in the absence of the President of the Ground Jury from the Ground Jury box, the GroundJury Member designated by the President of the Ground Jury to take over the running of the Competition in their absence) may, in their sole discretion, ring the bell (or instruct another Ground Jury member to ring the bell) to eliminate anAthlete/Horse combination while a round is ongoing if the President of the Ground Jury (or their designee) decides that it would be contrary to the principles of horse welfare to allow the combination to continue the round. The decision to eliminate is final and not subject to appeal or protest."

FEI Stable area better defined!

In the new Veterinarian rules the FEI Stable Area is from now on better defined. As such it is no longer allowed for horses that are FEI registered but not competing at the FEI event, to enter the stables. The definition is added in Annex X as such:

"An area at an FEI Event in which stables are located. This area may be of restricted access and include Testing Boxes and Treatment Boxes. Only FEI registered Horses that meet the health requirements determined by the Veterinary Regulations can access the FEI Stables Area."

Further the access is defined as well as the closure of the Stable Area. "Closure of the FEI Stables Area for 6 consecutive hours overnight with minimal lighting and noise to allow the Horses to rest adequately."

Consult the FEI Jumping Rules Here

Consult the FEI General Rules Here
Consult the FEI Veterinarian Rules Here