In the three star competition in Norway's Drammen it where the Italians who went home with the win. In this 1m45 course it was Francesco Turturiello and his Calvaro son Scara Mouche who finished in only 55.82 seconds. He stayed ahead of Italy's other rider Paolo Adamo Zuvadelli and his Chacenny (by Chacco Blue) with whom he ended in second place in 58.82 seconds. It was then Dutch rider Lisa Nooren who broke up the Italian party with a beautiful third place with her ten year old Belgium Warmblood Hallina de Muze (by Tinka's Boy) in 60.31 seconds. Completing the top five we find Jur Vrieling in fourth place with his Zypern III (by Casall) in 60.91 seconds, followed by Julien Anquetin for France in the saddle of his Encantado C'SG (by Verdi) in fifth place with 61.46 seconds.   Find all results here