Being fast and fault-free was key in tonight's $33,500 Las Vegas Welcome Jumper Classic, presented by EquiFit, inc. Fifty-eight entries competed for the top prize in the first of two FEI classes featured in this week's schedule of events. With close to sixty entries, the pressure to be clean and quick steadily increased. Riding twenty-fifth, Harrie Smolders (NED) on Enjoy Louis (Alex Verlooy, owner) set the time to beat in 63.22. The Dutch pair seemed untouchable until twenty horses later Vinton Karrasch (USA) aboard Coral Reef Baloufino (Coral Reef Management, LLC, owner) laid down a slick, smooth track in 63.18 to take over the lead. None of the next twelve entries could touch Karrasch, who took home the win, with Smolders earning second and Canadian Kara Chad on Alberto II (owned by Stone Ridge Farms, LLC) in third with a time of 63.38. Notably the top three were within two-tenths of a second of one another. Egypt's Nayel Nassar aboard his own Raging Bull Vangelis S picked up fourth in a time of 64.59.