Harley Brown topped the first Woodside Grand Prix of the year aboard his new mount, Apex. “We bought him from Macella O’Neill a month ago for a rider in my barn, but I’ll be riding him for the next six months,” Harley explained. “My student Sarah Baz went in the jump off before me and had just taken over the lead. She’s 16 years old and it was her first grand prix, so I was really happy for her. I was just watching her, so I was actually very relaxed when I went in. I went for it and it was great.” Sarah ended up second in the class on her Abadon, plus Harley was also fourth on Sarah’s other horse, Quintana 57. Harley’s wife, Olivia, joined the fun and placed seventh on Cash (Heather Nicholson and Olivia Brown, owners). “I thought Anthony D’Ambrosio did a great job designing the courses,” Harley added. “He’s a great course builder. He built at the FEI World Cup Finals the week before and now for us, and that’s great. Good courses make good horses.” Bert Mutch won a LEGIS Hunter Rider Bonus in 2014 after winning two $2,500 USHJA National Hunter Derbies at Woodside, and this year he’s going to try for it again. This time, his mount is Bunistar (Naomi Rubin, owner). “Bunistar is a new horse we just purchased in Thermal and this was our first derby together. Woodside is only the third or fourth hunter show in this horse’s career. I've ridden this horse only a few times, but I knew he was a special individual. His performance was special as well as his handiness, and I am looking forward to great relationship with him. We are planning to support the series of shows at Woodside. I love the LEGIS bonus program in both the hunter and jumper divisions.”