In China the second league of the Word Cup competition finished today with only six combinations in the jump-off in this 1m50 course. The win went to Chinese rider Abai Nulahemaiti and the twelve year old Belgium Warmblood Gulio van de Koelaar (by Nonstop) who finished in 37.87 seconds. He stayed ahead of Tongyan Liu and his Ku Bu Qi with whom he took the second place in 38.55 seconds. Following in third place Belgium rider Jolien Maenhaut and her Pommeau du Heup (by Helios de la Cour II) (PHOTO) with whom she finished in 38;95 seconds. Completing the top five in fourth place we found Kenneth Cheng with Fancyface (by Winningmood), followed by Rui Zhang and his Royal Dublin Pkr.   Find all results here