While the show jumping riders in Rio still relax after an exciting final, the Belgium-based Azelhof is continuing its international CSI2* show. In today's 1.35m Prijs DCM it was Belgium's Wouter Van Laer and the 9-year-old Henkie van 't Laerhof (by Contact van de Heffinck) who topped the class. The pair stopped the clock in 32.22 seconds. Belgium-based Australian female rider, Evie Buller followed in a second place. Last week she won the Sentower CSI3* Six Bars, today she crossed the finish in 33.98 seconds with Yalambi's Chiquita (by Chin Chin). Niels Bruynseels and Chief continued the rankings, placing third. The top five was completed by French show jumper Benjamin Robert with Quebec Tame and Belgium's Perry Geryl aboard Can Remember in fourth and fifth. Earlier the 1.30m was claimed by Tatjana Troiani and her Contra-A -offspring, Sister van de Wolvendries.