The showdown in tonight’s Grand Prix Sport Vlaanderen was one between Germany and Belgium! First it were the Belgians repeatedly broke each others records but in the end it was German Holger Wulschner who swooped in to steal the price from the home riders. Eleven combinations kept a clear in the tough first round that was built on 1.50m tonight. Among them were four Belgians who were in great shape. Yet it was the German riders who blocked a home win and took home the cash. North German Wulschner was the most profitable of the two riding a stylistic round with BSC Cavity (v. Caretino) none could compete with. In an incredible lap he clocked the time of 32.60 seconds. A time where even Stephex Stables rider Daniel Deusser and the 10-year-old Diamond Semille descendant Sweet the Baufour were not able to match. Aboard the Selle Francais gelding Deusser finishes second behind his compatriot in 32.82 seconds. For the Belgians "only" the third up to the sixth were still up for the grabbing. Olivier Philippaerts and H & M Challenge v. Begijnakker Z were the ones who managed to make it to the podium. After his ride in 33.06 seconds, he took the third place. Niels Bruynseels following lagged behind a mere 0.06 seconds with his Gancia de Muze (v. Mailto dee Reve). Pieter Devos and Apart (v. Larino) were also on par with his colleagues and rode to fifth place in 33.23 seconds. Jos Verlooy and Farfelu de la Pomme (v. Vigo Arsouilles D) took the final and sixth place that was left for the Belgian team. Kijk hier voor alle resultaten.