After Ludger Beerbaum claimed yesterday's Grand Prix win in Hamburg, it is still Christian Ahlmann who stays in the lead of this season's Longines Global Champions Tour ranking. Ahlmann has a total of 161 points so far. Meaning he has a big advantage on runner-up Italy's Emanuele Gaudiano, who collected 96 points so far. The current world number one, Simon Delestre, jumped up to 3rd with 95 points. Winning 40 points on his victory in Hamburg, Ludger Beerbaum is now fourth in the ranking. The current top five is completed by Great-Britain's John Whitaker. After the Hmaburg Grand Prix Ahlmann stated: “On paper it looks good - it’s only a shame we’re in Hamburg and not [at the final in] Doha! For sure it’s a very good feeling, especially when there are a few horses to catch the points and can change the situation a little bit - it’s a good situation for me at the moment. So I’ll cross my fingers, work for it, and try to keep it long like that,” said Ahlmann today in Hamburg. CLICK HERE FOR THE RANKING