As Peder Fredricson won the Longines Global Champions Tour in Cannes, it was Edwina Tops-Alexander who's in the lead of the LGCT ranking, after the Cannes leg. In a reaction the leading lady stays realistic. “We’re only half way there, and it’s a long way to go so I’m going to try get back on the podium. So much can change - Harrie’s doing really well again, there’s so much that can happen which makes it really exciting but also puts pressure on myself. I’ve been [to Cannes] the last 10 or 12 years, and it’s fantastic to see the change even from last year - it’s wonderful to have such support.” Closing up Fredricson was happy with his Grand Prix victory... “I’m really, really happy about the win today. It feels fantastic. And I’m very impressed with my horse. It came at a good time as All In has been out for a few months - he’ll be doing his first show next week - but of course getting this new horse in the stable means a lot. I’m very excited to go to Prague, and I’m looking forward to the [Longines Global Champions Tour Super Grand Prix] - it’s going to be a tough competition!"